Email the Business Office
Phone: (937) 327-7009
Purchasing & Business Operations
Equipment and furniture purchase; bid procedures/questions; purchase orders and requisitions; vendor maintenance; budget-view access; grant accounting; business policy and procedure development.
- Email:
- Phone: (937) 327-7327
Accounts Payable
Payment/invoice processing for university goods and services; expense reimbursements; 1099 tax form; vendor creation; payment requests; travel expense reimbursements; independent contractor agreements; W9 forms.
- Email:
- Phone: (937) 327-6302
Accounts Receivables/Student Accounts
Student payments; payment plan setup; student and parent inquiries about account balances and payments; 1098T processing; other accounts receivable operations.
- Email:
- Phone: (937) 327-6146
Payroll processing; questions about timesheets and other payroll-related inquiries; stipends; position changes; employee/payroll tax processing; W-2.
- Email:
- Phone: (937) 327-7498 or (937) 327-7005